Reducing our environmental impact

Driving forward…
Ukay energy are committed to helping create a more environmentally and socially
sustainable world through our actions. As we look forward to the future, it’s clear
that adaptation of the fuel industry is imperative to combat climate change.
We optimise our drivers routes to reduce wasted journeys and maximise the
deliveries per mile.
Together as an office, we are paperless with the plan to convert to E tickets imminently.
We’re going green, join us…
Drive towards a greener future with
Who we've raised awareness for:

Charity events

Save the Children
Christmas Jumper Day
Festive Christmas Jumpers
At Ukay energy, Christmas is all about giving back. We seize every opportunity to raise money for various charities, particularly at this family fuelled time of year.

coffee morning
Sweet and savoury home-made bakes
We raised a whopping £550.50
One of our favourite events is the annual Macmillan coffee morning.
Each year, members of the team take turns baking delicious treats from carrot cake to shortbread slices to raise awareness to cancer.
We are proud to be raising money for a great cause and giving something back.
What's next?
Our team are always on the lookout to find more opportunities to raise awareness for different charities.
We look forward to the next event!

Wear it pink
Cancer Research
Cancer Research Wear it pink
and bring in treats
We raised £320.00 for this fantastic cause
The whole team joined together to wear pink, bring in some treats and donate to this great charity.

Pyjamas day
Wear pyjamas in the office for C.I.N
We raised an amazing £780.50
The ladies in the office loved coming to work in dress down and raising awareness for a fantastic cause.